Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: SUDOE territorial cooperation program (Interreg IV B)

  • Project acronym: Biomasud

  • Project title: Mechanisms for sustainability and enhancement of solid biomass market in the space of SUDOE

  • Duration: July 2011 - June 2013

  • Coordinator: AVEBIOM

  • Other partners: UCE (Consumers Union of Spain), CIEMAT (Public Research Agency for excellence in energy and environment, Spain), CBE (Centro da Biomassa para a Energia, Portugal), CVR (Centro para la Valorización de Residuos, Portugal) and UCFF (Union Française de la Coopération Forestière, France)

  • Abstract: The goal of the Biomasud european project is to show the viability of the biomass-based energy model. The project aims to propose a certification and traceability process throughout the value chain of biofuel. Our objective is to design and implement a prototype of traceability system that will extract automatically traceability information based on sensors such as RFID tags, simplifying the certification process. This work will leverage our DiaSuite development methodology and will be evaluated by the Biomasud partners.

Major European Organizations with which you have followed Collaborations

  • University of Copenhagen, DIKU (Denmark)

  • Subject: we have been exchanging visits and publishing articles with Julia Lawall